Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sacrificial Obedient Love

Another day, another post, yesterday (Saturday) was interesting because I went to a friend’s engagement party. It was a taste of good old bush dance. Totally embracing and uncomfortable lol, but I it was good. I was especially encourage during the speeches to see that my friend, in that companionship, quiet early into it, established that Christ should be the focus of it. It was also good to get the 4 CBM presidents together, Ironical how we were all their.
I Love church, church was awesome, because it is built up and rooted in Christ!
My friend spoke on treasures that we might gain on earth. They are worthless & seem to hurt us more then the gain. So do not peruse worldly treasures, but peruse God’s Kingdom, the true treasure, Christ living within us, and do this with Love.
Exercise this love with a sacrificial obedient love, in loving God with all your heart, mind, sole and strength. Also show this love to one another in the way we do relate to one another, and in our evangelism.
My Friend from uni which came up to bush dance, I managed to get him to come along to the church service. And afterwards went down to echo point.
I also met up with a friend of mine, who I’ve been going through mark with him. I am very encouraged that he has a great zeal to know more and more about God. And I am happy to see that he is really improving in his reading, and reading the bible. Please pray that he might continue to grow in Christ and be bold in telling his friends about Jesus as Lord As well.
Anyways continue praying for my loneliness, for me to be content and trust in the sovereignty of God. I hope someone actually reads this blog lol.

Martin Luther - “O how great a thing, how marvellous, a godly Christian’s prayer is! How powerful with God; that a poor human creature should speak with God’s high Majesty in heaven, and not be affrighted, but on the contrary, know that God smiles upon him for Christ sake, his clearly beloved Son.”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Heidi was going to get some information off me today for the B Arts stuff on offer, but didn't have a chance.

These links will help her (if you wouldn't mind passing them along :) or just give her my email address and she can email me and I can send her the file which I showed her before.

Your help is much appreciated in this matter :D Maybe I will see you tomorrow...