Monday, October 23, 2006

The Battle of the Flesh

I’ve been thinking about a lot of things over the past few months. And so many things have grieved me, especially sin. The battle of the flesh, is really hard, and I don’t know if it’s me growing as a Christian, or I am just getting more sinful, but I seem to notice that I do sin a lot, and it grieves me. How I long for the day when every tear will be wiped away, and the glory of God might be revealed to its full.
Some of the things I have noticed are that I am self-centred which in other words does not love, God is completely other person centred, and we can see this in the trinity in relationship with the father, son and Holy Spirit. Sometimes I guess it is done not intentionally and other times it is, but it does grieve me that I am such and it does break relationships. I also know that I am not quick to listen but quick to speak, and this kinda does fall into the self-centeredness.

Please do pray that I can be more loving to people in everything I do.
The other thing I do struggle with is loneliness. I’m not sure if this has to do with most of my friends being married or in a relationship or if it has to do with my situation at home, lacking Christian love to one another, and my sin towards that, or if it has to do with me being alone a lot of the time. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever find someone to be other-person centeredness to in the context of companionship, and it grieves me, because every time there is hope for a relationship, I get hurt. And I guess my self-centeredness hinders friendships. If I am wrong, please do pray for a change of my heart, for contentment in my singleness. It grieves me seeing the world’s view of companionship, and how it even invades our Christian circles. How guys have to be men of fists and looks (which I am not), and how girls have to dress immodestly in the context of companionship. It breaks my hearts reading statistics of failed marriages and relationships. Men, make sure you are men of prayer and are faithful to God. Women make sure you dress modestly and love your husbands and are also faithful to God. And if you are in companionship or not, make sure the central part of your lives is Christ, who is Lord over all.

Why do I and we Christian continue fighting this good fight of faith?
Well, I just can find the words in me to explain the joy, and peace that is in Christ Jesus. To know that In Christ, we can come back into a relationship with God, and live under his rule. How great is his love, grace and mercy, that while we were sinners, He sent his son to die, so that we might have forgiveness. And it brings me great joy that Jesus has rightly dealt with the punishment that I deserve, the sinful rebellious nature that I am. And it brings me joy that God is a personal God, who loves us, which we as Christian should imitate in our interactions with one another, serving one another in Love.
I find it that every time that I have an opportunity to proclaim the gospel and serve others in love, from either something up front like preaching or even encouraging someone in the pews, it brings me joy and tears to see someone growing in Christ. We should also remember it is God, who out of his mercy and grace reveals himself to people.
And this should be our focus, pointing to Christ, in everything we do.
If this is your first time hearing about Jesus, or have not made a decision to trust and obey him, then I encourage you to please do. And visit your local church or chaplaincy and find out more. Again it is not easy, but the hope that is in Christ Jesus, out weights the struggles.

Eternal God and Father, by whose power we are created and by whose love we are redeemed: guide and strengthen us by your Spirit, that we may give ourselves to your service, and live this day in love to one another and to you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


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