Thursday, September 07, 2006

Enriched Uranium is good for you

Well Can't say i've had the best week this week, Ive been findind it real hard this week, to get motivated and been finding my self generally sad. A few things have been happening which just haven't gone the right way.
However apart from that, On monday, went to macuther Anglican school, to their iscf group, was good. Also was introduced their to a hungarian staff worker. He gave me a long history on the hungarian church, and encouraged me to pray for it. It was good to finally find someone else who is a christian and speaks hungarian lol. However i did some more reading up on the reformed church of hungary, and they seem quiet solid and theologically sound, and few differneces in terms of minor beliefs but generally they seem sound.
Had a few meetings this week, they were allright. Also finished my research on Uranium enrichement and did a small bit of a group essay on the risks of a new Uranium enrichement plant being built in NT. Uranium is clean, safe (apart from the risk of military use and radiation accidents), has a lot more energy then coal, alot more and most of Planet earth has it, even found where ocean is present :).
Anyways please continue praying for me, that i may glorify God in everything i do, everything!.

Our gracious God, help us to proclaim our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, so that everyone around us will hear his call to repent, trust him, serve him in Love, and be established in the fellowship of his disciples while we await his return. Strengthen us to pray, to depend on your holy spirit, and to glorify you. Amen



m said...

For some reason I have found it hard to get motivated this week as well :(

Justin Warner said...

Hey, you were at Macarthur!? I WORK THERE! How bizzare that I'd follow a link from a friend's blog (that'd be Tam, if you're wondering) and wind up on the blog of someone who was at my work. It's like that whole 6 degrees thing... ;)