Monday, May 29, 2006

Well, Could of been better

Well what can i report of my day. Nothing that i hoped actually happened :(.
The lab in the morning, i did not finish. We got through the lab we where behind. Started the project and couldn't get it finished, so we lost a large amount of marks for that reason.

I've been really stressed today, more then i should be, even though i relise the main cause of stressed is becauses of one's focus on self, so it's because of my weekness and sinfulness, that i'm properlly stressed. I handed in my assignement, hopefully that goes okay.

Other matters, i finally did the early church history exam. I supprisenly finished first, but i kinda feel bad, looking around the room i've noticed people wrote double what i wrote, and i really hope i pass, but i know i didn't put enough effort into it. I tryed studing before the exam, but i felt burnt out and sad a little.

I really can't wait for MYC, i really enjoy and getting encouraged when im together with alot of christians, learning about God, and continuly spuring one another along, Its awesome to be in God's Kingdom, i relise it even more with these situations, We are just pefectic week sinful human beens, but in Christ we are made alive with him for eternity (Iesu-san wa Seisei wo motte) as Lord of all :). Praise God.

Anyways thats enough of that, expressing too much in a blog, lol nowons ever gonna read it. Thanks be to God Forever and ever.

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