Thursday, June 22, 2006

Just what kind of strange creature is Roger Bacon

Well i had my first exam. Man it was so hard, not sure if i'll pass but i hope. Strangly enough on the way down to it, a random person came up to me on the train and prayed for me lol. However it was a bit of mumballing, a bit of tounghs, and he even gave me a paper with a few saints on it. I just hope he finds out soon whos the real boss, Jesus.

I have an exam tommorrow (Friday) and monday, i think i need some serious prayer for them. I reliesed this semester is properlly the hardest semester i have done :(. The monday one is the hardest for me. I would also like to request pray, for some rest. I've overly worked my self out this semester, and i have too much worries and thoughts.

Anyways u are properlly wondering why i have such strange titles. This perticular one is from a game. Actually this character is in the series of the game, all three games that is. His very old, but very funny. Ive recently finished the 3rd one, gota be my favourite series on ps2 at the momment. In the game They mistakely take this old man, to be an alien, and lock him up in Area 51. Later in the game their is a quiz, and one of the question in it is? whats the name of the strange creater :P, thus henceforth where the title comes from. Excuse my bad english. I've added two pictures of this wonderful game. The first one is of the main character and the second of Roger Bacon. His actually something like 800 years old :P Took me ages to find a screenshot of him lol.

Anyways I should get back to study.
God Bless

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Well A bit more relieved, happy as one would say

I finally handed my project in. Got a new student card, that was a pain, had to print off a internet order form, goto the post office pay it, go to uni, and get the new card lol.

Our youth group lol 4 people decided to visit another youth group. The one in blacheath we went to, to our good old baptist friends :). I was encouraged by the sermon, The minister their does such a great job at keeping things biblical :). Since being a youthy kinda nights, the topic was on dating lol. A little bit embaraced i was but thats allright. Though after i got home, i though about my situation with the girl i like. i though yeah maybe its worth being patient. i also though why am i so negative, i take every situation as something that seem like ignorance. But it brings me a smile, when i see a smile on her. Now i wont say if she was their or not, but it didnt matter i geuss. I think it re reminded me that God's allways in control, i think i really dont get when people say, God hasn't picked someone for u, no such thing, if that was so, then how would he be in control. And im thankful i have met this girl, well gathering some kind of feeling, cause i find it, through these time i even grow more, i get constantly reminded of how good God's grace is, not to mention that it is hard times aswell, but God does work for the good of thoes who love him.
I think i would love it if she had the same feelings, but i geuss thats kind of self centered, and if she does or not, it dosn't matter, Cause Jesus is allways our first date and will last for eternity. I should trust God more

Anyways enought of my blaba (if thats even a word), i got big big exams on next week, so i really really should study lol, oh my friend did a amazing christian art for Winter magic, it kicks butt, you should see it. Anyways

To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy, to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authorithy, through Jesus Christ our Lord; and hte blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, be amongst you and remain with you always. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Yo Project is Almost Due, Tommorrow it's due

Well may i say all this week, all i've done is this project. A little study of my other subjects here and their. Its finally due, looks like all my prayers are paying off :P. Its almost finished. I've compeleted all the tasks. For one of the task i didn't fully satify the requirement, but i just couldn't figure it out. And a few bugs here and their, like it doen't have a bottom :P.
Anyways heres a picture of the differnet phases in programming this thing.

Oh i also watched this cool CGI anime called Hanare Toride no Yonna. Gave me ideas for my project :)

God Bless

Monday, June 12, 2006

Yeah Productive Week

Yeah, Got some of my Project done this week, no texture mapping or beizer Meshing :(. Yakitate Japan finally ended :(, sad but cool, thats an bread making anime series, loads of laughter :P. Watched a cool Japanese movie called Azumi, Recommond it heaps :). Church was cool Yesterday, lol Church is good every day, as it should be lol, well their is hard times, but the over all glory is worth it. Had Child protection training yesterday, lol was okay, bad presentation, but was good. yey like the 5th certificate of child protection.

Anyways Seeya
God bless

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Seems to be just one of thoes bad months

Why do i suggest its a bad month. Well today i ended up lossing my wallet, appears some one stole it while i was on the train, and day dreaming/dozeing off. Ahwell, Should of put a note into my wallet saying something like, you have done the wrong thing, but i forgive you, because God forgave me, oh theirs also spare $100 under the sticting, or something like that.

Went to my staff member's Ordination today in paramatta. Was really good, great to see Friends Boldly steping into the field of Full time ministry with an apointed parish :).

Oh, i also got a manga, Bleach Vol 11 Today, must say its the best quality manga i've seen. Not just a great story line, but every picture drawn is so nice and detailed :) 10/10, Its the first Bleach manga i got, they only had vol 10,11 and 12 at the shop only :(.

Thats from the anime series of Bleah, wow they are up to 82 and still kicking :)

Anyways, I should be off to sleep Good night
God Bless

Friday, June 02, 2006

Smoke me a kibba, i'll be back for breakfast

Yeah, i passed one of my hard assignments the last one, im still passing so far in the subjects so thats good :).
Today Rushed to finish a Lab report, but got it done in the end. Bible study was mainly prayer today. Youth group, only me and another person turned up this week :( a little bit sad.

Thursday, was not to bad day, did no work at all, really tired, how ever had a missionary come into our main meeting. Its encouraging to see how Christianity is really growing in the poor parts of the world :).

Anyways, i'm making it quick, my friend has a ordination, tommorrow, so i must get to sleep soon.

God bless, Ja ne