I finally handed my project in. Got a new student card, that was a pain, had to print off a internet order form, goto the post office pay it, go to uni, and get the new card lol.
Our youth group lol 4 people decided to visit another youth group. The one in blacheath we went to, to our good old baptist friends :). I was encouraged by the sermon, The minister their does such a great job at keeping things biblical :). Since being a youthy kinda nights, the topic was on dating lol. A little bit embaraced i was but thats allright. Though after i got home, i though about my situation with the girl i like. i though yeah maybe its worth being patient. i also though why am i so negative, i take every situation as something that seem like ignorance. But it brings me a smile, when i see a smile on her. Now i wont say if she was their or not, but it didnt matter i geuss. I think it re reminded me that God's allways in control, i think i really dont get when people say, God hasn't picked someone for u, no such thing, if that was so, then how would he be in control. And im thankful i have met this girl, well gathering some kind of feeling, cause i find it, through these time i even grow more, i get constantly reminded of how good God's grace is, not to mention that it is hard times aswell, but God does work for the good of thoes who love him.
I think i would love it if she had the same feelings, but i geuss thats kind of self centered, and if she does or not, it dosn't matter, Cause Jesus is allways our first date and will last for eternity. I should trust God more
Anyways enought of my blaba (if thats even a word), i got big big exams on next week, so i really really should study lol, oh my friend did a amazing christian art for Winter magic, it kicks butt, you should see it. Anyways
To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy, to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authorithy, through Jesus Christ our Lord; and hte blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, be amongst you and remain with you always. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord